Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

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tafsiri zilizoombwa - Myosotis

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Kiingereza Dear Ibrahim I don't like you being so sad....
Dear Ibrahim

I don't like you being so sad.
I want you to remember the beautiful time we spent together. Before you know it I will be with you again.
I have so sweet memories. I remember all the kisses, the glass boat and you making me swim with my head under water. Beautyful corals ..I have always been afraid of water - but no more fear. You make me feel safe.

I really really miss you..

Yours forever
Can someone please try to translate this to my friend (love-one) i Egypt?! It means a lot to me ..

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiarabu عزيزي إبراهيم لا يعجبني أنك حزين جدّاً.